My husband begged two big pottery containers off of neighbors and friends, got some plants and little fish (guppies, maybe?) from the river with the girls and made two little biotopes. The plants grew quickly (lots of roots).
The little fish did well, lots of mosquito eggs to eat, I'm sure. But they were kind of hard to see.
So we got some goldfish.
And set them free in their new home. They did well until the first hot day, and I think all of them died. So sad. But the little river fish are a hardier species and are still going strong.
And the girls like searching for them.
Then one day we got buds.
And flowers! Very pretty. They only bloom for one day, but we have had them continuously for over a week now.
from above
and close up
5 minutes ago
oh, pretty flowers!!
What a great idea!
It looks like your girls are really enjoying it.
I wonder how they'll go over winter?
I would love to have a pond but worry about it freezing...
Aren't they pretty? We have backups blooming in an old baby bath towards the back of the garden, too. Gifu City winters are pretty mild, but it might get a thin layer of ice on top occasionally. I will give you an update in the spring!
Gardening in Gifu-interesting topic. I was there last year at the end of the sakura period. Inaba Shrine was absolutely amazing! Well worth the climb to the top!
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