Today was the first nice Sunday in a long time, not too hot either, so we spent most of the day in the garden.You can't tell from this angle, but I pulled lots of these wild flowers in the corner which were threatening to overwhelm a baby mikan tree.
My husband trimmed and staked the cucumbers.
The weeds by the sides of the embankment vegetables were getting out of control.
after. Next time I really have to do it before they get shoulder high.
My husband pulled the shiso and cosmos from his baby trees. Both were taller than the baby trees.
I finally pulled the pea vines,and my husband started preparing the space for his next generation of cucumbers. And planted cucumber seeds in pots.
Another view of the former pea site, back right.
I finally repotted these tomatoes which I started in sand from trimmed suckers. They really thrived and grew strong roots. All I did was stick the suckers in sand and water them daily.
My new profile photo, I thought I should update with the seasons. You can even see me by the shed if you squint really hard. My husband took the photo.
January 23, 2025
16 hours ago
That last photo is really good because it shows me exactly the layout of your garden, I suddenly understand it a LOT better! Your veggie patch is huge!
And well done for such a great lot of work gotten dealt with today. It's very satisfying, isn't it? I got sunburned today!
The before and after photos are very satisfying, thank you for the idea! It didn't occur to me until I was halfway through, but the weeds will be back up to my shoulder in another two weeks anyway!
Having the flat bit at the base of the embankment is great and part of why we bought the house! Free land just beyond our back yard...and very rich soil, too. Very strong, entrenched weeds are the major drawback.
We have discussed trying to rent some of the empty land next door, but I think we have enough for now. Not enough room
for 250 tomato plants like some...but I could never do it.
The small detached house behind the shed is my classroom. Tiny, but sufficient for lessons. A real squish for events, however, and I only have one class!
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