Thursday, May 14, 2009

May 15 veg and mikan

Tomatoes are all in, 15 plants, starting to flower.
Tomato flower
Minitomatoes are also thriving. I think we have about 20 plants. It is interesting to see how different they all are. The golden currant are tall and gangly, the reisentraube are short and broad.
And the reisentraube have huge clusters of flowers. I hope this means lots of minitomatoes!
Zucchini is doing well and not being attacked so much by the dreadful orange beetles which seem to prefer pumpkin and cucumber.
Pumpkin closest the the yard is still intact.
Our baby mikan (clementine) tree flowered for the first time this year and seems to be producing baby mikan.
lettuce, lettuce, and more lettuce. Good thing my husband likes salad
Green beans and cucumbers. I am trying to get them to climb the netting rather than head for the south, which seems to be their natural inclination.

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